Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (2024)

I was recently asked, “can you make bread in the Instant Pot? The answer is yes. Instant Pot bread is a great thing to make Instant Pot Bread is super easy too! With these Instant Pot Homemade Bread recipes, you don’t have to worry about going to the store.

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (1)


Instant Pot Homemade Bread

From super easy no knead bread to delicious zucchini bread, there are lot of options you can make right in your instant pot. Aren’t you glad you got an Instant Pot right before our world turned upside down?! Check out our list of bread recipes you can make!

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (2)

Bread, bread, bread, it makes the world go around. And, you can’t find it currently. But, back in the day we just made our own, and we can do the same today!

4 Ingredient No Knead Bread Recipe

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (3)

There is no need to knead this dough. And you don’t even need an electric mixer. All you need is dry yeast, sugar, warm water, and all-purpose flour.

Instant Pot No-Knead Bread Recipe

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (4)

Want something even the kids can help make? This is a foolproof bread recipe you just can’t mess up. For this recipe you will need warm water, yeast, table salt and flour.

Orange Blueberry Muffin Bread

Bread isn’t always for dinner. It can be a real sweet treat as a breakfast food too. For this recipe you need all-purpose flower, baking powder, salt, orange zest, unsalted butter, sugar, egg, orange and vanilla extract, milk lemon juice and blueberries.

Gluten Free Brazilian Pao de Quiejo

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (6)

If you have ever had Brazilian Cheese bread, you know how incredible it is. This gluten-free recipe is one the whole family will love. All you need is whole milk, oil, kosher salt, tapioca flour, eggs and parmesan cheese.

Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (7)

Getting bored with what you have? Add a little kick to your cornbread with this delicious Jalapeno Cornbread recipe.

Artisan Bread Archives | Garden in the Kitchen

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (8)

You don’t need to knead this bread. It takes a small amount of time and it has a great texture and flavour. For this recipe, you will need the following: bread flour, kosher salt, cranberries, pecans, lukewarm water, dry yeast and honey.

Monkey Bread – Cinnamon, Sugar, Ooegy-Gooey Delish!

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (9)

Monkey bread is a household favourite. It’s made with canned biscuits, cinnamon, sugar, and butter, then topped with a delicious powdered sugar icing for a real treat.

Apple Bread With Salted Caramel Icing

Loaded with fresh, delicious apples, this bread recipe calls for no yeast for this one!

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (10)

Irish Soda Bread (With Video)

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (11)

This is a dense bread that is great for pairing with dinner dishes. Additionally, you don’t need yeast for this bread either. So, get baking.

How to Make Cheesy Beer Bread!

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (12)

Don’t have any yeast? Well, as long as you have a can of beer, you can still make some good old fashioned bread.

Zucchini Bread

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (13)

Have a few zucchinis that are going to go bad soon? Whip them into a delicious instant pot bread.

Crusty Sourdough Bread

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (14)

The great thing about making your own bread is that you don’t have to buy whatever is available. Want sourdough, here you go!

Traditional Bread

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (15)

This recipe is perfect for those who want fresh, delicious bread without waiting all day for it

to be done.

Garlic and Parmesan Monkey Bread

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (16)

Once you make this dish once, you’re never going to want another side dish or bread option ever again. It’s really that good and such a simple recipe to make. (and being able to tear off a piece to eat is so much fun!)

How to Store Leftover Bread?

You may keep your bread at room temperature in a sealable bag or an airtight container. You can expect your bread to last anywhere from four to five days on the counter.

FAQ Section for Cooking Bread in an Instant Pot

What Is the Best Flour to Use?

The best flour to use is all-purpose flour. I find that this creates the perfect bread.

Do I Need to Activate the Active Dry Yeast First?

Active dry yeast may be added directly to the flour. However, for a complete success rate, we recommend adding active dry yeast to lukewarm water at 110°F.

Can I Freeze Instant Pot Bread?

You can freeze your instant pot bread! Allow the bread to cool before wrapping it in plastic wrap and placing it in the freezer for the best results. The bread may be kept frozen for up to three months. Simply take it out of the freezer and allow it to thaw naturally while you use it.

Why Did My Bread Stick to the Pan?

Brush the pan with a little bit of cooking oil, then line it with parchment paper or grease it. This will aid in the prevention of sticking during the dough’s rise and baking process.

Instant Pot Yogurt Setting

The Instant Pot’s yogurt button produces a modest, constant heat in an enclosed space that captures steam and creates the ideal condition for proofing dough.

Recipes to Make With Your Bread

If you want more than just water and bread, we have a lot of great recipes that would go great with your fresh bread. Check them out!

Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (17)


Instant Pot Homemade Bread Recipes | The Instant Pot Table (2024)


Can I use my Instant Pot as a bread proofer? ›

That's right, the multicooker is the top tool to try if you're searching for ways to speed up your rise. Proof dough in an Instant Pot and you'll cut that rise time about in half, confirms a spokesperson for Instant Brands, who we spoke to exclusively for this story.

What is the yogurt setting on Instant Pot to proof bread? ›

Some cookers, like the Instant Pot, have at least 2 yogurt settings, one for heating the milk and one for incubating the yogurt. You will want to use the lowest Yogurt setting for proofing bread: Yogurt Low/Less = 86°-93°F. Yogurt Normal/Medium = 96°-109°F.

Can I bake in an Instant Pot? ›

Not only that—Instant Pots can slow cook, roast, bake, steam, air fry, and dehydrate countless ingredients, helping to create some of the most tasty and memorable dishes.

Can you use an Instant Pot for sourdough starter? ›

Anyhow, in an essence, this is my 36 hour instant pot sourdough starter. The process consists of five feedings (a process of removing and adding more flour to the mixture). I use whole wheat flour, NY tap water, a wooden spoon and a 16 oz mason jar for this.

Does instant dry yeast need proofing? ›

Unlike active dry yeast, instant yeast doesn't require proofing or rehydration before adding to the dough. This one-step method makes baking up a tasty loaf of bread easier than ever. Take your baking skills to the next level and continue reading to learn more about instant yeast and its many uses.

Can you put aluminum foil in an Instant Pot pressure cooker? ›

The short answer is good news. It is generally safe to use aluminum foil in an Instant Pot, but it is important to use it properly to avoid damaging the appliance or creating a potential safety hazard. Keep reading for the dos and don't of using foil in your favorite appliance!

What does yogurt do in bread dough? ›

Adding milk to bread dough makes it looser and softer while using sour cream, yogurt, or buttermilk makes the dough tighter. The tightening effect is caused by acidity. Fermented dairy products have a lower pH than milk or water.

What does the yogurt button do on the Instant Pot? ›

  1. Most Instant Pot models include the yogurt function, but check your appliance to make sure.
  2. The yogurt function incubates milk, allowing bacteria in a starter to turn it into yogurt.
  3. Strain homemade yogurt to make Greek yogurt or add your choice of flavorings.
Dec 14, 2021

What happens if you don't have a yogurt setting on Instant Pot? ›

The Instant Pot is actually very good at making yogurt, whether you have the yogurt button or not. First, you have to add the main ingredient: milk. Then, you bring it up to the right temperature. Then you cool it down to the right temperature, add the starter, then you cover it and let it sit.

What cannot be cooked in an Instant Pot? ›

6 Things You Should Never Cook in an Instant Pot
  1. Creamy Sauces. If there's one food group you should avoid in the Instant Pot, it's dairy. ...
  2. Fried Chicken. The best fried chicken is crisp on the outside, juicy on the inside and perfectly golden brown. ...
  3. Cookies. ...
  4. Burgers. ...
  5. Pie. ...
  6. Steak.

Can I use parchment paper in the Instant Pot? ›

Line an Instant Pot steamer basket with parchment paper. I crinkle up a length of parchment into a ball and unwrap it. This makes it easier to fit into the round steamer. The parchment should come up the sides to contain the sauce and chicken juices.

How long to proof dough in Instant Pot? ›

So for example generally a bread dough would take 60 to 90 mins to prove and double in size on the countertop so when it comes to proving dough in instant pot you have to halve it. The time then comes down to 30 to 45 mins (image 6).

Why is sourdough better than instant yeast? ›

Powdered yeast is processed to rise the bread really fast. It is not meant to break down gluten or Phytic Acid the same way that natural sourdough yeast does.

Can I use active dry yeast instead of sourdough starter? ›

Generally, you can substitute a packet of yeast for 100g of sourdough starter. If your recipe uses less than a packet of yeast, you can use less sourdough starter, however it won't make too much difference because of the way wild yeast works.

What can I use instead of bread proofer? ›

I use a small piece of thin cotton cloth (an old pillow case is perfect) and rub it well with rice flour. These are great because like colanders and baskets, they allow the dough to breathe.

How long can you proof sourdough in an Instant Pot? ›

So for example generally a bread dough would take 60 to 90 mins to prove and double in size on the countertop so when it comes to proving dough in instant pot you have to halve it. The time then comes down to 30 to 45 mins (image 6).

Can you use an Instant Pot to seal mason jars? ›

They acknowledge that instant pots are unsafe for pressure canning (as of 2023). While instant pots can be used for water bath canning, which can preserve high-acid foods like jams, jellies, fruit, and pickles, they cannot be used as a pressure canner to preserve low-acid foods like meat, vegetables, and soups.

How do you proof bread without a proofer? ›

You can proof bread dough with nothing more than a lightly greased deep mixing bowl (large enough for dough to double in size), a bowl cover and a moist, warm environment. Cover the bowl with a lid, cloth or plastic wrap spritzed with oil, then allow the dough to rise in a warm and draft-free environment.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.