Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (2024)

Photon Arts
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (1) HunterTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (2) SwordsTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (3) Wired LancesTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (4) Partisans
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (5) FighterTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (6) Daggers Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (7) Double SabersTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (8) Knuckles
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (9) RangerTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (10) RiflesTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (11) Launchers
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (12) GunnerTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (13) Twin Machine Guns
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (14) TechterTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (15) Wands
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (16) BraverTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (17) KatanasTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (18) Bows
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (19) BouncerTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (20) Soaring BladesTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (21) Jet Boots
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (22) HeroTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (23) SwordsTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (24) Twin Machine GunsTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (25) Talis
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (26) PhantomTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (27) KatanasTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (28) RiflesTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (29) Rods
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (30) EtoileTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (31) Double SabersTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (32) Soaring BladesTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (33) Wands
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (34) LusterTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (35) Gunblades
All ClassTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (36) Gunblades
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (37) Buildup Photon Arts
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (38) Aerial FireTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (39) Bullet Hail / ZeroTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (40) Assault AdvanceTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (41) ChronolapseTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (42) Infinite Storm / ZeroTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (43) Satellite Aim
Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (44) True EquilibriumTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (45) Gunslinger SpinTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (46) Heel StabTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (47) Desperado DanceTwin Machine Guns Photon Arts (48) Grim Barrage

Being one of the Gunner's choice of weapons, many of its PAs are intended for short-range stand-alone attacks. Each of the PAs have a clear personality to them and some are easy to maintain altitude with, making them more versatile in the air rather than on the ground.

In addition, many of the PAs can be canceled by Stylish Roll in most timings, providing excellent evasion.
Many of the PAs have faster animation when activated in the air compared to on the ground.
Certain PAs can launch enemies as well.

All of the PAs allow the user to not be staggered during their animations, and will not be interrupted except for incapacitation, stun, or freeze.
This in turn offers airborne stability and prowess when dealing with Chain Finishers.
A few PAs offer guard frames too (but limited to strictly melee based PAs).

Regarding Melee Based PAs

For melee based attacks in certain PAs, their specifications are slightly different than normal. This includes Aerial Fire, Bullet Hail (kickdown), Assault Advance, Gunslinger Spin, and Heel Stab (heel drop).

Attack PowerRNGThe damage increases as the stated power increases. No effect if it is not the stated power.
Enemy Defense PowerRNG DefThe damage decreases as the stated defense increases. No effect if it is not the stated defense.
Weapon Element DamageRNGThe weapon's Element Value is applied to both attributes. If you attack the enemy with Fire weakness with a Fire Element weapon, the damage will be increased accordingly.
Part BoostMeleeThe damage dealt by the player increases or decreases depending on the enemy's Melee part multiplier.
Attacking the enemy's head will not trigger a "headshot" as it is not a Ranged part multiplier.
Final Attack TypeRangedClass skills, skill rings, potentials, etc. are determined in this category. For example, Point Blank Boost and etc. are applied. On the contrary, the melee potency of Fury Stance is not applied, but the ranged potency is applied.

Aerial Fire

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (50)Aerial FirePotency14141643Launch your target into the air with a mighty kick. Add a follow-up assault by charging the attack before use.
DEX Correction100
Charge Time0.5s
  • Advance towards the target at high speed and kick them upwards. Additional hits are added by charging, and while kicking up, the user also flies into the air.
    • The PA only travels forward when activated on the ground.
    • When activated in the air regardless of charge, the user will not move forward and only kicks upwards.
  • There are guard frames during the initial kick and the follow-up hits in the charged version.
  • Power notation for uncharged kick is 33%, and 20% + 40% x 2 for the charged version.

Bullet Hail

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (51)Bullet HailPotency-2598Knock your target to the ground, then follow up with a hail of gunfire. Repeatedly pressing the button will increase the number of hits.
DEX Correction100
  • Kick down and shoot directly from above. The shots can increase up to 25 times by repeatedly pressing the PA button.
  • The kick has a knockdown effect.
  • Power notation for the kick is 20% and 3% per shot. With all hits connecting will result in 95% of the stated power.
    • Larger increase with TMG Focus.
      133.3% for Focus 2, 200% for Focus 3, and 233.4% for Focus MAX.

Bullet Hail Zero

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (52)Bullet Hail ZeroPotency-2677Knock your target to the ground, then rain down a hail of gunfire. Repeatedly pressing the button will increase the number of attacks.
DEX Correction100

Custom Type 1: Power +0 ~ +144
Custom Type 2: PP Consumption -0 ~ -10

  • Allows for directional input to move around in the air while shooting.
  • Total power for Focus 3 is about 2.01x greater than stated (26% kick, 175% shots).

Assault Advance

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (53)Assault AdvancePotency534613Rapidly close the distance to your target and hammer them with a powerful ramming attack.
DEX Correction100
  • A body tackle that travels a short distance at high speed.
    • Sustains altitude when used in the air.
  • Can stun enemies and has guard frames from the moment the PA is activated to the middle of the rush.
  • Power notation of the hit is 100% as shown.


Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (54)ChronolapsePotency-3249Take a slow motion dive and perform a dance of bullets.
DEX Correction100
  • After a short pause, the user fires forward while diving, then fires in a clockwise direction while turning horizontally. Only the user and the bullets are in slow motion.
    • Directional input can be made to slightly turn while diving. The bullets can penetrate through enemies and obstacles.
    • After diving and shooting, the PA can be canceled with a Stylish Roll.
    • Invulnerable against all attacks during the slow motion.
      • Invulnerability is temporarily lost when transitioning from the dive to the rotating shots.
  • When the PA is activated on the ground, the animation is slightly longer during the rotating shots.
  • When the PA is activated in the air, the animation for the rotating shots changes into an upside down version instead, being slightly faster than the grounded version.
  • Power notation per shot is 5%, with 20 hits connecting resulting in 100% as shown.
  • If all hits are connected, 5% x 5 hits from the dive shots and 5% x 26 hits of the rotating shots, totaling 31 hits will result in 155% of the stated power.

Infinite Storm

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (55)Infinite StormPotency-1984Fire off an unending volley of bullets as you move. Repeatedly pressing the button will increase the number of hits.
DEX Correction100
  • Shoot 4 shots at a time for a total of 5 sets, and shoot another 4 shots at the end with enhanced power and attack range.
    • By tapping the PA button, the number of shots per set increases to 6 shots. Up to 34 consecutive shots including the end are possible.
    • Movement speed and range during the rapid fire are the same as Normal Attacks.
      • Can move and jump freely during the PA until the final burst.
    • The four-shot finish has a longer range and can knockback enemies.
  • Can be canceled at any time with a Stylish Roll or dive rolling.
    • Cannot be dive roll canceled during the final burst.
  • Power notation per shot is 4% x 4 shots x 5 sets with continuous fire, with the finish having 7% x 4 shots, for a total of 108%. If the PA is tapped repeatedly, the continuous fire is 4% x 6 shots x 5 sets, totaling 148%.
    There is Distance Decay. Decay occurs from a distance of approximately 2 dive rolls.

Infinite Storm Zero

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (56)Infinite Storm ZeroPotency-3267Hold down the button to release a wild barrage of gunfire. Finally, focus accumulated photons to release a powerful attack on your target.
DEX Correction100

Custom Type 1: Power +0 ~ +235
Custom Type 2: PP Consumption +0 ~ +10

  • Changes to an immovable held down PA that shoots for about 2 seconds, and finishes with a kick and a photonic blast. The user does not fall in the air.
    • By holding down the PA, the behavior changes in 3 stages: 8 shots + kick, 10 shots + kick, 12 shots + kick + finish.
    • The held down shooting part is skipped when Twin Mach. Guns Stylish Charge is applied, allowing the kick and finish to only be performed.
  • Power notation per shot is 4% x 8-12 shots, the kick having 2%, and the finish having 50%.

Satellite Aim

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (57)Satellite AimPotency-942Move down low and fire powerful shots that seem as though they might pierce the sky itself.
DEX Correction100
  • Fires off two powerful shots that can launch the enemy. Can be canceled with a Stylish Roll immediately after the first shot.
    • Has slightly slower animation when activated on the ground, and faster and more stationary when activated in the air.
    • Conical attack range, short forward and long upward.
    • Can hit multiple enemies in range.
  • Power notation per shot is 50% x 2 shots.

True Equilibrium

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (58)True EquilibriumPotency-3046Get up close with your target, firing off a volley of shots as your body and your weapons work in perfect harmony.
DEX Correction100
  • Has a launching effect.
  • Shoots 9 consecutive shots while moving on the ground and stationary in the air.
    • The first 9 shots are single shots with normal range. The last 3 shots have longer range and higher damage.
      • The 1st to 6th shots have a small knockback effect. The 7th and 8th shots have a launching effect, and the 9th shot has a large knockback effect.
    • When activated on the ground, the PA can be forcibly interrupted if the user falls off a cliff.
    • When activated in the air, the user is stationary.
  • Can be canceled with a Stylish Roll only.
  • Power notation per shot is 10% for the 1st to 6th shots, 12% for the 7th and 8th shots, and 16% for the 9th shot.
    There is Distance Decay. Decay occurs from a distance of approximately 2 dive rolls.

Gunslinger Spin

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (59)Gunslinger SpinPotency-1384Spin into a handstand, unleashing a whirlwind of kicks around you.
DEX Correction100
  • A roundhouse kick that spins 180 degrees and hits 4 times.
    • Slight movement can be done during the PA, and the user will elevate slightly after the PA.
  • Has a suction effect wider than the PA range.
  • Causes Stun I with probability.
  • Guard frames occur on every hit of the PA, but limited to the horizontal direction. Vertical direction of the guard frames is very narrow.
  • Power notation per hit is 25% x 4 hits.

Heel Stab

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (60)Heel StabPotency-2485Take foes by surprise with a devastating axe kick. Can be charged to add a spray of gunfire as a follow-up.
DEX Correction100
Charge Time0.5s
  • Approaches the enemy and hits them twice with the heel drop of the user.
    • By charging, a light launching effect is added to the second heel drop, and an additional 6 shots are fired.
  • The second heel drop has an all around range.
  • The shooting portion has a longer range.
  • Can be canceled with a Stylish Roll after the first heel drop.
    • Can also be canceled with a dive roll around the third shot of the additional shots.
  • Power notation of the heel drops are 22% and 30% regardless of charge. 8% x 6 for the additional shots added by charge. With the charge and all hits connecting will result in 100% as shown.

Desperado Dance

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (61)Desperado DancePotency-1839Form a wall of bullets around your body, and then fire them all off at once.
DEX Correction100
  • The user surrounds themselves with stationary bullets before finishing off and releasing the bullets all around.
  • Can be canceled with a Stylish Roll after the bullets are scattered.
  • Power notation per hit is 8% x 6 for the scattered bullets and 18% x 3 for the finish. Totaling to 102% of the stated power.

Grim Barrage

Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (62)Grim BarragePotency10111500Fling yourself towards an enemy like a corkscrew, and then follow up with a rush of gunfire.
DEX Correction100
  • After flying towards the enemy in a corkscrew fashion, 2 and then 4 shots are fired afterwards.
    • When activated on the ground, the user follows the terrain.
    • When activated in the air, the user rushes horizontally. If the user is locked onto a target, the PA will track towards it.
  • The range of the shots are short and narrow.
  • Perfect Attack windows occurs twice. After the 2nd and 4th shots.
  • Can be canceled by dive rolling after the 2nd and 4th shots. For Stylish Roll, it can be canceled at any point.
  • Power notation is 21% for 2 shots and 14.5% for 4 shots. With all 6 shots connecting will result in the power as shown.
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  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (79) Luster
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (80) Swords
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (81) Wired Lances
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (82) Partisans
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (83) Twin Daggers
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (84) Double Sabers
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (85) Knuckles
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (86) Katanas
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (87) Soaring Blades
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  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (89) Assault Rifles
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (90) Launchers
  • Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (91) Twin Machine Guns
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Twin Machine Guns Photon Arts (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.