Why a Wealth Tax Would Be Terrible for American Taxpayers (2024)

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to take up a lower court decision on taxation (Moore v United States) that could open or slam the door on a federal wealth tax, it’s worth a deep dive into just how terrible a wealth tax would be for American taxpayers.

First, a wealth tax, unlike every other form of individual federal tax, would be levied based on what a family is worth rather than the amount of income they received in a given year. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) introduced a bill in 2021 that would have created a graduated 2% to 3% annual wealth tax on households worth more than $50 million.

Massachusetts introduced a state-level wealth tax last year, and the legislatures in California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New York, Oregon and Washington have all seen wealth tax bills introduced this year.

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Why a Wealth Tax Would Be Terrible for American Taxpayers (1)

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A wealth tax has all the existing bad features of the current income tax — complex, expensive to administer, costly to comply with, subject to manipulation and avoidance by those with the most resources and badly distorting of economic activity and capital formation.

But it’s much worse. And here’s why, practically speaking.

First, a wealth tax violates the long-standing American principle that we’re allowed to build wealth and grow the value of assets and that we don’t pay taxes on that growth until we dispose of the asset. In effect, a wealth tax imposes what can be thought of as a third level of taxation — after income tax and capital gains tax — on the most productive drivers of the U.S. economy.

Second, no matter how it’s positioned, a wealth tax is not based on objective facts. It’s subjective, because wealth must be appraised, and appraisals are opinions. Marketable securities are easy to mark to market. But how about stock in private companies? How about large real estate holdings? How about a stamp collection? How about a franchise contract?

A large proportion of tax court cases come about because of disputes over what the IRS thinks an asset is worth and what the taxpayer says it’s worth. Can you imagine the chaos when every asset of every wealthy taxpayer has to be annually evaluated and assessed?

Third, don’t for a moment imagine that the wealth tax will remain on “the wealthy.” The U.S. income tax when created in 1913 had a 1% bracket that jumped to 6% if your income was above about $14 million in today’s dollars. That, of course, is not where the top tax bracket stayed, hitting 77% just five years later.

Who decides who's wealthy and who isn't?

Then there’s the issue of deciding who’s wealthy and needs to pay the tax. Wealthy in rural Oklahoma might be just getting by in Miami. An 85-year-old widow on a fixed income living in the same three-bedroom Northern California home for the past 50 years is probably a multimillionaire from her home equity. But is she wealthy?

And who makes the call, and what are the exceptions?

You can bet that all sources of wealth — retirement savings like Roth IRAs, your pension fund value, money you’ve socked away for your kids’ and grandkids’ education — will be fair game for the wealth-tax man.

Such a tax is fuel for financial nightmares. What happens when an asset-rich, cash-poor taxpayer, such as a farmer, doesn’t have enough liquidity to pay their wealth tax? The answer: forced sales. What happens in forced sales? The seller is almost always under distress and has to sell at low prices.

And who’s got the liquidity to scoop up distressed assets at a discount? The wealthiest among us. So the wealth tax isn’t in any way equitable and doesn’t just cost what the government requires — it also does active damage to the portfolios of the taxed.

Would the IRS offer taxpayers a credit in years that asset values and the stock markets plunge? Hardly. Think of a wealth tax as a one-way ratchet growing tighter and tighter around your wallet.

A flawed way to raise revenue?

Worst of all, wealth taxes don’t seem to work for raising revenue. Norway recently tried increasing the tax rates for a wealth tax it had instituted, only to see tax collections that were projected to rise by about $150 million annually instead plunge by an estimated $594 million, according to the American Institute for Economic Research.

Why doesn’t it work? In part because wealth taxes will be most easily avoided by the wealthiest individuals. Turns out, the truly wealthy among us are the most mobile, and seeing nothing in place to stop an endless stream of future wealth tax increases, they picked up and left the country.

(Even stopping short of leaving the jurisdiction, they can afford the best tax lawyers, the accountants with the sharpest pencils and the tax shelter promoters with the most ingenious ways to structure around the wealth tax.)

But when the inevitable bracket and spending creep impose wealth taxes on middle-class nest eggs, you can be sure there’ll be nowhere to hide.

Privacy could be an issue

Then there’s the loss of privacy. Household wealth is household wealth, which will require extensive investigative power on the part of the government. What’s that antique car worth in your garage? What is the revenue growth rate of your company? How did you calculate the value of your lakeside cottage now that you put the new boat dock in?

Those 87,000 new IRS agents the government is hiring? That’s a drop in the bucket if a wealth tax were to be instituted. The level of required recordkeeping and disclosure, the investigations, the dispute procedures, the court cases … The main effect of a wealth tax will be the creation of an entirely new industry devoted to avoiding the wealth tax.

Such a dynamic would be installed just as we’ve reached all-time lows in Americans’ trust of government, according to Pew Research Center. Evidence of the politicization of government agencies, which is troubling enough when taxation is based on relatively objective transactional data, will foster white-hot emotions when the government gets to make subjective assessments of what you owe.

What you can do

For myriad reasons, a federal wealth tax is a very scary prospect. Having done battle with the IRS on behalf of taxpayers for the last three decades, not a lot of things keep me awake at night. This is one of them.

My strong suggestion to all taxpayers — but especially to business owners, founders, entrepreneurs and executives — is not to sleep on this one. Talk to your representatives. Monitor the progress of Moore v United States. Let other people know about the insidious nature of wealth taxes. And help nip this nascent movement right in the bud. A U.S. federal wealth tax would be economically disastrous, and there’ll be no turning back once it’s instituted.

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This article was written by and presents the views of our contributing adviser, not the Kiplinger editorial staff. You can check adviser records with the SEC or with FINRA.

Why a Wealth Tax Would Be Terrible for American Taxpayers (2024)


Why a Wealth Tax Would Be Terrible for American Taxpayers? ›

Wealth taxes are also bad for the economy overall. Even owners of successful firms might not have enough cash to pay the tax on the value of their companies in any given year, especially if the tax is as much as 20% on unrealized gains, and may need to dilute their ownership.

Why are wealth taxes a bad idea? ›

Critics of a wealth tax also point to potential gaps for the wealthy to exploit. For example, assuming the current tax exemption for private foundations remains in place, many wealthy people could shift their assets into foundations where they would be sheltered from the IRS.

How would a wealth tax hurt the economy? ›

The revenue collected will fall short of expectations. Worse, the tax will damage the economy. Today's ablest entrepreneurs will be forced to devote their time to defending their fortunes against the predation by the one or more states that lay claim to their wealth.

What are some of the arguments that supporters and opponents of wealth tax make? ›

Supporters of wealth taxes say they increase fairness and reduce inequality, while opponents argue they might stifle investment and economic growth, and incentivize tax avoidance. Inheritance taxes are sometimes proposed as a preferable alternative.

Is unrealized gains tax an economic fallacy? ›

Taxing unrealized capital gains on property, stocks, and other assets is not just a bad idea, it's an economic fallacy that undermines economic growth and personal liberty. Unfortunately, President Biden's $7.3 trillion budget proposes such a federal tax.

Why do the richest people not pay taxes? ›

Billionaires (usually) don't sell valuable stock. So how do they afford the daily expenses of life, whether it's a new pleasure boat or a social media company? They borrow against their stock. This revolving door of credit allows them to buy what they want without incurring a capital gains tax.

How do the rich legally avoid taxes? ›

12 Tax Breaks That Allow The Rich To Avoid Paying Taxes
  1. Claim Depreciation. Depreciation is one way the wealthy save on taxes. ...
  2. Deduct Business Expenses. ...
  3. Hire Your Kids. ...
  4. Roll Forward Business Losses. ...
  5. Earn Income From Investments, Not Your Job. ...
  6. Sell Real Estate You Inherit. ...
  7. Buy Whole Life Insurance. ...
  8. Buy a Yacht or Second Home.
Jan 24, 2024

Would taxing the rich cause inflation? ›

Raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans pushes inflation in the right direction, but it has a relatively small effect. This is because the wealthiest Americans have a lower marginal propensity to consume their income: when taxes go up on billionaires, they reduce their consumption, but not by that much.

Do high government taxes hurt the economy? ›

How do taxes affect the economy in the long run? Primarily through the supply side. High marginal tax rates can discourage work, saving, investment, and innovation, while specific tax preferences can affect the allocation of economic resources. But tax cuts can also slow long-run economic growth by increasing deficits.

How much do the rich pay in taxes compared to the middle class? ›

What's your tax rate?
Income groupAverage tax rateShare of total income taxes
Top 10%21.5%75.8%
Top 25%18.4%89.2%
Top 50%16.2%97.7%
Bottom 50%3.3%2.3%
3 more rows
Apr 11, 2024

What would taxing the rich solve? ›

By increasing tax rates on the richest Americans, taxing billionaire wealth, and making corporations pay their fair share, we can ensure that the rich help protect the climate and lift children out of poverty. And it's key to saving our democracy and solving our toughest global challenges.

How do taxes affect wealth inequality? ›

Because high-income people pay higher average tax rates than others, federal taxes reduce inequality.

Should rich people pay more taxes debate? ›

While many argue that the rich have an obligation to pay more to support social welfare programs, others believe that such taxation increases would create a massive negative impact on the economy. In particular, it's often said that making the super-rich pay more taxes would hurt individuals in the middle class.

What is the unrealized tax for Biden? ›

In case you missed it, a $5 trillion tax hike looms over American households and businesses in President Joe Biden's latest budget proposal, which would include a 25% annual minimum tax on unrealized capital gains for individuals with incomes and assets exceeding $100 million.

What is the fallacy of Keynesian economics? ›

The broken window fallacy suggests that an event can have unforeseen negative ripple effects if money is redirected to repairing broken items rather than to new goods and services. The theory suggests that a boost to one part of the economy can cause losses to other sectors of the economy.

Why are unrealized gains not taxed? ›

Under current tax law, you only pay taxes on the profits you make from an investment after you sell it. In other words, you can only be taxed on realized capital gains. As long as you hang on to your investment, any unrealized capital gains you have remain out of Uncle Sam's reach.

What are the negatives of high taxes? ›

Financial Burden on Businesses and Employees: Increased costs for employers and lower take-home pay for workers. Potential Adverse Effects on Employment and Wages: Could lead to lower employment rates and stagnant wages. Impact on Economic Growth: High taxes can potentially slow down economic growth.

Why is taxation a bad thing? ›

High taxes discourage work and investment. Taxes create a “wedge” between what the employer pays and what the employee receives, so some jobs don't get created. High marginal tax rates also discourage people from working overtime or from making new investments.

Are the rich taxed more than the poor? ›

Who pays the most in federal taxes? The federal tax system is generally progressive (versus regressive)—meaning tax rates are higher for wealthy people than for the poor.

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